
06 mai 2019

Guess the genre (1) by Josephine

Guess the genre

I asked my students to write short creative writing pieces and ask their peers which genre it was.
It was a success and some of them agreed to have their work published on this blog.
Let's start with Josephine's!

                There is always a time when one is brought to question their faith. The occurrence is not defined, there is no specific time, place or age at which it happens. For some it is as early as childhood when in church the prayers they are taught sound more like the stories their mothers would read to them before bed. For some later, when the first hardships of life make them question the existence of a god above and for some, much later, when death is knocking on their door. Faith will always fall through at some point, trust my word. I, Rupert Joseph Randall, most commonly known as RJ, was born into the wrong family as I realise only now. I never thought this before, I used to adore the calm comfort of a mass in ceremony on a warm spring morning, when the air was filled with new possibilities and hope. I used to enjoy the daily classes, learning off by heart the words of the Bible until they were forever engraved in my consciousness and to tolerate the minute-long prayer before each meal. But now, with a realisation that came as suddenly as it did gradually, it dawned upon me that maybe, just maybe, it was not I who believed, not truly. Maybe, just maybe, if my parents had not forced it upon me, I would not even believe at all.

By Josephine G., 10th grade student, Lycée International Nelson Mandela.

To go further
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