
20 mai 2019

Gary Hirson's interview

Believing in the power of the creative imagination and the need for goal-setting, I combine these elements and the need for grit and hustle in my Coaching philosophy, online courses and workshops.
I know that the next generation of Entrepreneurs, Creative’s and Dreamers are our future. But it’s one thing to have an idea, dream or project, and it’s another thing turning it into a reality. It needs, passion, perseverance, overcoming rejection, facing criticism, Grit and the ability to hustle.
Alongside my professional photography business and successful running of two other businesses, which have subsequently been sold, I always dreamt of publishing coffee-table books with my name on them. Having now photographed and published two unique books, I realised my big dream. Along the journey I picked up a treasure chest of knowledge on how to make it happen- gold nuggets of information that I use for my future dreams.
With the backing of my Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Life Transformation Coach credentials I have introduced goal-setting and self-belief tools to the youth via my three independently published and interactive children’s books. My books are now represented by an international publishing company – L’Harmattan
In addition, the tools I advocate in my books, online courses and workshops, I use, along with my experience as a Coach, to aid young dreamers, entrepreneurs and creatives to best identify and achieve their goals.
I live in Cape Town South Africa where I operate as an Imagineur I.E. a Coach, Author, Speaker, Photographer, and partner to an amazing French Woman with whom, among other things, we swim together daily in the cold Atlantic Ocean.

What inspired you to write The Journey that’s Ours?
One of my passion hobbies has always been self development and my books come from that passion. The Journey that’s Ours is the 3rd children’s book I wrote, following on from The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Our.
The Magic that’s Ours – introduces children to the idea that we all possess a gift – our imagination, the seed from which all creativity flows. When after The Magic that’s Ours was published, I started getting invited to speak at schools about being an author, and the importance of reading. These talks developed and I started to include the importance of having goals and dreams. One of things I realised is that I wished that I’d learnt about these development tools earlier because goal-setting is a muscle that needs to be developed. Along with my continuous self learning and with the experience from achieving goals that I set myself, I wrote The Power that’s Ours – which introduces goal-setting tools to children between the age of 10-12. Once that book was published then I really started speaking a lot at schools to older pupils. I believe that self- belief is one of the most valuable commodities and crucial if we are to achieve our goals. The Journey that’s Ours covers that among other tools. I must stress that all the books are written as stories with the “Fun Time” activities as an add on so the reader can either just read the book as a story or use it as a workbook.

I never intended to write a book. The Magic that’s Ours was written as a story because I believe in the gift of imagination. In The Magic that’s Ours I never describe the characters Joel and Jina, and they’re never illustrated. The first “Fun Time” activity in the book is for the reader to draw a picture of the brother and sister how they think they should look. Some of the schools that have bought my books use the activities as an activity during down time. One of the coolest things that ever happened is that once I received a box, by courier, of about 100 hand-drawn pictures by all the pupils in the whole grade of Joel and Jina from one of the schools that I spoke at.
This is a photo of me and some pupils after a talk.

Other Jobs
I am a professional photographer and I have published two photographic books. I’m a qualified NLP and Life Transformation Coach and I now facilitate workshops both live and online working with the next generation of young Creatives, Entrepreneurs and Dreamers to help them make their dream a reality. How do I find the time...? I don’t have any children so I do have a bit of extra time on my hands :)

What Type of Reader are you?
I read a lot of historical fiction and self- development. I prefer historical fiction as it outlines a subject in an easy to read way with a nice mixture of fact and fiction. London, New York and anything by Philip Kerr is great.

Favourite Books
The Book Thief and The Kite Runner – one influenced my style of writing and both are mind blowingly great stories. I hated that they both had to end.

Last words
When I speak at schools I talk about
The history of writing
And The 4 reasons why I think reading is important
(a)    We learn new things which leads to self confidence
(b)   It stimulates our imaginations – the seed of creativity
(c)    It can lead us on adventures both imagined and real
(d)   Being able to read properly offers us choices – to write our own life story.
The reason I touch on these topics is to help young people understand that their dreams are our future, and that it’s their goals that will shape both ours and their future. But achieving goals takes time with lots learnt along the way...just like reading.

Last, last word
Currently I have 2 websites – my photography and my talks, children books and coaching . I’m currently rebranding myself to incorporate everything under one umbrella which will fall under the ne site. That is currently being developed. Saying all of that here are links to my books, workshops and media.

To dig deeper

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