25 mars 2022

Book review: 1001 Energy Tips by “BTU Bill” Clark.


In the modern, high-tech world, it’s easy to become immersed with technology and the promise to change one’s lifestyle. In 1001 Energy Tips: Save Energy, Save Money – Save Planet Earth, “BTU Bill” Clark compiles simple, easy ways to save energy at home, at work, on the road, and in every aspect of daily life. Accompanied by scientific explanations, the energy-saving tips leave readers with a lot to think about, and even to possibly implement in their lives.

“BTU Bill” Clark is a licensed Professional Engineer. His energy tips began with a spot on a local AM radio station. He has published two textbooks with McGraw-Hill, Retrofitting for Energy Conservation, and Electrical Design Guide for Commercial Buildings, and numerous tech papers.

My review (originally written for Reader's Favorite)

1001 Energy Tips (2nd edition) by "BTU Bill" Clark is a major book if we all want to fight global warming! I have been reading umpteenth such books and had never found such common-sense, easy to set up ideas and methods to fight this danger. The guide is comprehensive. It deals with topics such as our lifestyle, water, each room of our homes, general principles. It also includes an extremely useful toolbox, a diverse bibliography to dig deeper, a glossary, and an index to make research easier in this first-rate guide. 

1001 Energy Tips is a fabulous non-fiction work. It is fascinating, clear, easy to follow, and engaging. How could we not change our ways (improve them as much as possible) after having perused this manual? Everything makes your environmentally-conscious life easier and better. The writing is neat, matter-of-fact and to top it all the author is not judgmental. This issue is the most important one to deal with nowadays and we cannot but feel or think that our politicians and leaders do not take it seriously enough. In France, some reforms will start in 2030… This is outrageous and we as a whole have to take matters into our hands and do our best in our daily lives to minimize our carbon footprint. With the motto "Only you can stop the climate change" each one of us is allowed to help along and try and get rid of that bitter sense of guilt and helplessness - for many -, growing more acute every day. The chance to DO SOMETHING. A matter of both individual commitment and collective solidarity. Thank you for an amazing guide!

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