28 novembre 2023

You did it! (Bordas) - Proposition de projets eTwinning : Friendship is magic!

Bonjour ! 

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose deux nouvelles propositions de projets eTwinning pour la seconde unité de You did it! (Friendship is magic).

Première proposition (également dans le livre du professeur de You did it!)

Let’s make friends!


1ère étape :

Each student shares what he/she expects her best friend to be like (personality, hobbies).


2ème étape :

Find pupils among their partners who could be their friends.


3ème étape :

They write a Galentine’s Day card to their new friend.


4ème étape :

They start exchanging.

Seconde proposition

Who will be my best friend?


1ère étape :

The students learn about personality traits.

Each student shares what he/she expects her best friend to be like (personality, hobbies).


2ème étape :

Each student shares one of their classmate’s personality traits and hobbies.


3ème étape :

They try and find the perfect friend using the information shared.


4ème étape :

They start exchanging.

Troisième proposition

Share a story about best friends.


1ère étape :

In a group, students share their favourite stories about their best friends.


2ème étape :

They select one of them.


3ème étape :

They write it (in a few lines) and illustrate it.


4ème étape :

The teacher makes a collaborative ebook in which they add their stories and illustrations.


5ème étape :

The teams read the other texts and discuss them on eTwinning.

Have fun!

Feel free to share your ideas!:)

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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.