15 avril 2019

Book Review: The art of fiction by David Lodge (Penguin) - Part 15

Here are my favourite quotes/notesI also added videos and/or links. This should not deter you from reading the whole book which is made up of texts and explanations and is fascinating and engaging.

45 - The Non-Fiction Novel
In the non-fiction novel, new journalism, "faction", or whatever once calls it, the novelistic techniques generate an excitement, intensity and emotive power that orthodox reporting or historiography do not aspire to, while for the reader the guarantee that the story is "true" gives it a compulsion that no fiction can quite equal.


46 - Metafiction
Metafiction is fiction about fiction: novels and stories call their attention to their fictional status and their own compositional procedures. 
In the work of English novelists, metafictional discourse most commoinly occurs in the form of "asides".

Can you find examples of metafiction? Draw a mind map.

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello,
    Examples of Metafiction:
    -Lunar Park. Bret Easton Ellis.
    - 1982, Janine. Alasdair Gray.
    -Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Douglas Adams.
    - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller. Italo Calvino.

    My mind map:



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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.