23 juillet 2021

Book review: The Ultimate College Student Health Handbook, Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness.

The Ultimate College Student Health Handbook, Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness, by Jill Grimes, MD is a comprehensive guide for students. It was originally reviewed on Readers' Favorite. It is not (as reminded in the Note to readers) a substitute for medical care, far from it. It introduces varied scenarios and the stories of young college students who had to deal with those issues. The index will allow the reader to search for specific problems and the references to dig deeper. It is designed for college students but will be useful for all, parents and children alike. I appreciated the tone and voice of this guide: the author knows how to engage her readers. It is as though she were speaking to us and it is extremely pleasurable. I loved the way each problem is tackled: its names first, the one we all give to it, and the medical one, then the symptoms, the treatment(s), the cases in which you should head to the doctor’s, but also three additional sections which are a great plus: worst-case scenario, prevention, expert tricks. So we understand that this handbook is not only to be perused in case of need but before such a need should arise. The sections about prevention and tips are invaluable! It offers comfort, reassurance and helps calm down. It is the telephone call we would like to have with our family to get advice, the school nurse who always knew how to deal with the situation. It tells us "Don't worry/panic, others have been here/ through this before, we'll handle this together. You're not alone!" Everything about this guide is perfect: it is clear, to the point, interesting, fun to read. It should be offered to all college students!

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