01 décembre 2023

You did it! (Bordas) Séance TICE - Monsterland.


Exemple de séance TICE


1.       Your collaborative Twitter story (pair work)

Can be fake or real with an account created by the teacher

Write a monster story with your whole class. Each student writes a short text (or several) with a single hashtag. You all need to take into account the earlier tweets so that the story is logical.


2.       Create an interactive image (pair work)

Use Thinglink to create an interactive image about monsters. Use pictures of monsters and add links to websites about those monsters, or film teasers in which you can find those monsters.


Tutoriel Thinglink.


3.       Create a Voki Monster! (pair work)

Design a monster avatar on Voki. Then you can make it talk.


Tutoriel Voki. / Créer un avatar parlant Voki.


4.       Design a word cloud (team work)


Find as many words about monsters as you can in a team of 4 students.

Then you can make a word cloud with them. You can draw it on paper or you can use an online tool such as WordArt (https://wordart.com), WordClouds.com (https://www.wordclouds.com) or ABCya’s word cloud generator (https://www.abcya.com/games/word_clouds).

Your word clouds will be part of a poster for your English classroom.


5.       Watch a video

Watch the video and answer the questions.


6.       Monster description. Let’s play games!


Play this game and write down the words you don’t remember.

Find the monster : play this second game!


7.       Early finishers (or homework).

Imagine your monster movie and draw the film poster. You can choose your actors and actresses, the title, the illustration… You can do it on Canva. You can choose several types of posters on the website.
Tutoriel Canva (en français)

Have fun!

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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.