24 avril 2018

Book review : educational children's book - Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics

Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics written by Yossi Lapid and illustrated by Joanna Pasek is an educational children’s book which is part of an acclaimed series.

23 avril 2018

Chronique : Deux hommes de bien de Pérez-Reverte.

Comme tout le monde, j’ai dévoré la série de cape et d’épée du capitaine Alatriste (Tiens, j’en ferais bien une chronique, c’est tellement formidable !), et lu plusieurs romans de cet écrivain navigateur, escrimeur, qui connaît bien l’aventure puisque ancien reporter de guerre.
Mais mon préféré, c’est celui-là.

22 avril 2018

Donnons la parole aux lecteurs !

Book review : Through the Shadows by Carroll Blair (collection of poems)

Through the Shadows by Carroll Blair is a collection of poems about life, plans, commitment, change, motivation, creating and creativity and so much more! It is comprehensive and encompasses all aspects of our lives nowadays with our questions, pondering and need to understand the meaning of life. Most of the poems help to answer these questions, discuss why we live and how we can be better.