21 novembre 2023

You did it! (Bordas) - Proposition de tâches TICE pour Friendship is magic!


Exemple de séance TICE

Friendship is magic!

1.       Your test (pair work)

Visit this website and complete the first task: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/print-make/worksheets/friends

·         Test about best friends

2.       Writing task

Visit this website and complete the second task: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/print-make/worksheets/friends

·         Draw a picture of your best friend and write about them.


3.       Listening time!

Listen to this song (and read the text).


4.       Writing time!

Write three things that best friends do.

5. Let’s design a word cloud (teamwork)


Find as many words about friends and friendship as you can in a team of 4 students.

Then you can make a word cloud with them. You can draw it on paper or you can use an online tool such as WordArt, WordClouds.com, or ABCya’s word cloud generator.

Your word clouds will be part of a poster for your English classroom.


6. Early finishers

Make your own BFF quiz on this website.

Send the link to your BFF and see the result!

Ask your BFF to make a quiz or you!

Have fun!

Feel free to share your ideas!:)

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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.