26 décembre 2023

You did it! (Bordas) - Proposition de projets eTwinning : Carnival Season in Jamaica


Bonjour ! 

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose deux nouvelles propositions de projets eTwinning pour la seconde unité de You did it! (Carnival Season in Jamaica).

Première proposition (également dans le livre du professeur de You did it!)

Let’s present our favourite carnivals!


1ère étape :

Brainstorming ideas about carnivals. Which ones do the students know? What do they know about them?


2ème étape :

The different groups choose one carnival and research it. They can make a mind map, to sum up their ideas.


3ème étape :

The different carnivals are presented to the partners, either during a video conference or on Vocaroo.

Deuxième proposition

Let’s invent our European Carnival!


1ère étape :

Brainstorm ideas about the new carnival in international groups.

Each group (5 to 10 students) exchanges on a shared document or eTwinning.

The teacher can organize video conferences.


2ème étape :

The groups present their ideas (poster, video, mind map, word cloud) to the other groups and choose their favorite idea.


3ème étape :

They try to implement it in their school if it is allowed during a party or on a special day.

Troisième proposition 

The students invent a school carnival. It is about all the students’ achievements during the school year.


1ère étape :

They brainstorm their achievements in English, and in other courses, and interview the other classes in order to add their achievements.


2ème étape :

They make posters and encourage other classes to share their achievements and pictures or drawings illustrating them.


3ème étape :

They can organize a school party to honour all the students’ achievements and efforts. 


Have fun!

Feel free to share your ideas!:)

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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.