02 septembre 2015

FREE Webinar: flipped lit and interview of three guest writers

Feel free to join the webinar on September 10, 2015 from 7 to 8.30 pm (CET).

A new step in our project with the award-winning author, Eric Price!

Today, the competition begins! Eric Price has just published a post about our project as well as the first chapter of his award-winning novel, Unveiling the Wizard's Shroud. He will then publish chapter 2 and each vnew version of chapter 3, written by my students last year. Last but not least, everyone will be able to vote for their favourite chapter 3 and I count on you!!!!! Here is the link to the article.

11 mai 2015

One more MOOC platform

Hello! I've just discovered the Coursera MOOC platform which is also extremely interesting: a wide and varied range of courses, quite a few literature MOOCs including an excellent one about Shakespeare. Here is the website link.
I warmly recommend it! I'm looking forward to your comments if you know any other useful MOOCs!

01 mai 2015

MOOCs, online learning and collaboration

A short post about MOOCS generally speaking and about my favourite MOOCs for language teachers. MOOCs stands for Massive Open Online Course. Here is Wikipedia’s definition. A MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions between students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). Learning with colleagues, sharing, collaborating and getting to know like-minded colleagues from all over the world are some of the numerous benefits of taking part in a MOOC. I recommend three in particular:
- The Electronic Village Online which takes place once a year in January and February. I have followed numerous EVO workshops (about Podcasting, gamification, the flipped classroom, how to teach vocabulary, creating eTextbooks, Educators and Copyright, and so on) and all have been excellent.
- Future Learn, the Open University's MOOC: I have just registered and love the course about starting writing.
- The European Schoolnet Academy: I loved the Future Classroom course and am currently enjoying the creative use of tablets in the classroom workshop. These are only three among thousands of MOOCs! I hope you find this post useful! Feel free to post a comment if you have any questions. You can also share your favourite MOOCs in the comments!!!:)