17 décembre 2016

14 décembre 2016

Breaking news! Global Teacher Prize

Well... I still cannot believe it!

I have been selected as one of the top 50 world educators (out of 20 000) by the Varkey Foundation.

Of course, what I really feel like is sharing it with my students whom I am so looking forward to seeing again!

Here are a few links:

- the TOP 50 announcement

- My page

Congratulations to all my students who have made it possible!

9ème Forum des Enseignants innovants: presentation of my OIB projects to the French Minsiter of Education

As some of you know, I have had to undergo emergency surgery. I am missing my dear students more than I can tell! And I still must lie down as much as possible.

That is why it has taken so long to write this post!

To My dear 10th grade students,

Your literature projects were selected by François Jarraud (Café Padagogique) to be presented to the French Minister of Education.

Your work and some of the content you created was really appreciated!

I am SO proud of you!

16 novembre 2016

"9ème Forun des Enseignants Innovants": the American OIB project has been selected!

Congratulations to the American OIB students!

Their literature project has been selected as one of the most innovative projects in France! You can read it here (in French).

I will represent them on Friday 26 and Saturday 27, November 2016.

This article explains what this forum is about.

22 octobre 2016

Deek Rhew: guest writer and future guest speaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for inviting me onto your blog, Marie!

Today, we are talking about the wild and crazy ride of getting from "It was a dark and stormy night..." to "Yaaaay! You're officially published." There was an article I read by Dave Barry who talked about a flight he took to California. Everyone boarded and while they were waiting to take off, he randomly started asking people how much they paid for their ticket. The answer was not surprising: No one on that flight paid the same fare. So is it with authors: No one's journey is the same.

122 Rules is my second book, published by Pandamoon Publishing. My first one, Birth of an American Gigolo, I chose to self-publish last January. It's been a crazy crazy whirlwind adventure. Surprising, as incredibly different as these two books are, they actually started out as the same story. I'm a bit of a rabbit trail follower. In the middle of writing 122, a side story of a woman and her cheating husband emerged. Even at the time, I knew I'd have to pull it because it didn't fit, but Lindsey is a bit assertive and would not rest until her tale had been told. After I wrote it, I put it on a shelf, where it collected dust for the better part of four years.

In the interim, I finished 122 and joined a critique partner group. I was paired with a wickedly smart (and incredibly beautiful) woman, Erin Rhew, to help with my grammar (my books are basically long-winded emails) and to critique the story. She did Birth first, then worked on 122. We started talking in the comments sections of those manuscripts. Those conversations lead to emails, which lead to phone calls, which lead to FaceTime. Erin and I have been married for almost two years now. So no matter what happens I'll always be a smashing success because my love of writing led me to the love of my life.

See how I told you no two authors' paths are the same?

Okay, so the books...Well, I wrote query letter after query letter and have a wall of rejection letters to show for my efforts. I never got a single request for more. Not a full request, not a "send more chapters." Zilch. I got my break during #PitMad on Twitter. Since Erin and I were really busy preparing to sell a house, I was going to skip the event, but she told me to take a few minutes and write some tweets. Maybe it's because I didn't have time to overthink that it worked? I received several requests for my manuscript, one of whom, Pandamoon, offered me a contract.

Fast-forward through the long, arduous editing process, creating a cover, sending out ARCs, so on and so on, and here we are. My book has been out for almost six months, and I couldn't be happier with it.

You need to be prepared for your editors to teach you some lessons. Erin is so super smart in grammar, and I can't even begin to tell you how much she taught me about passive voice, leaving "this" dangling without pointing to things, the evils of adverbs, and so forth. My content editor, Anya, is so good at the macro level of a story. We moved, removed, and added things like crazy for the better part of five months. Some of it hurt SO bad. Erin's friend, Heather, taught Erin and I both about "talking heads"--long strings of dialog without any character action--and how to fix that.

It's indescribable how much better this story is because of all the people who've helped me learn the writing craft. I've still got a ton to learn, but I'm beyond grateful to have such wonderful peeps willing and able to help.

I think the biggest takeaways from all of this are:
A) Be patient - This is a SLOW process. You are learning a new craft, and the writing/publishing process NEVER moves as fast as you want it to.
B) Be humble - You will think your story is pretty good. It will resonate with you, and you'll nod and pat yourself on the back. Then an editor comes and throws cold water on your warm fuzzies. This isn't personal. The road to getting better is anything but easy.
C) Listen - These people are trying to help you become a better writer and to make your book better. Listen to them.
D) Learn - Everyone wants you to succeed, but you have many many lessons to get there. Learn the lessons and incorporate them. Do NOT listen, nod, then go back to what you were doing.

Remember: You can always be better.

I’ll leave you with this little story. Before I started writing I played bass as a music major. One of the things you have to learn in jazz is how to solo. You can prepare for one, plan it out and know exactly what you are going to play, but generally solos are usually made up on the fly. My private bass tutor Tom Wakeling gave me the best advice I’d ever heard and it applies to most anything you are learning.

He said that you have ten thousand turkeys—a.k.a. “bad”—solos in you. The sooner you get them out, the sooner you can start giving good solos.

In writing, you have ten thousand turkeys—a.k.a. writing mistakes—in you. The sooner you get them out, the sooner you will be writing well.

Until next time, my friends. Adventure on!

19 octobre 2016

Kai Strand: some thoughts about the first Skype interview (by some of my students)

Today, some students wrote a post in honor of Kai Strand who did the first Skype interview with them.
Thanbk you so much to them and to Kai!

Last Thursday, the 10th grade OIB class got to know the American writer Kai Strand whom they met during a Skype interview. It was a neat opportunity because most of us had never done a Skype interview before with a writer. Kai Strand was very nice to us and answered all our questions in great detail. We had prepared the interview during a lesson the week before by preparing all of the questions we wanted to ask, and analysing an excerpt from one of her works. On the day itself, we all picked a question to ask Kai and one by one we went to the teacher's desk to ask Kai our question. Here are some of our questions:

Where do you get your inspiration?

Do you intend to convey a message in your books?

Are you influenced by other writers?

I think what surprised us the most was when she told us that writing was just a part-time job for her. She explained to us that there was a moment in her life when she was a full-time writer, though she stopped doing it because she said it was easy to lose yourself when you are a writer. It was really great to see how much she is passionate about her work. Thus, it was a real pleasure for us to ask her our questions. It’s a shame we could not ask her more! I think we were all grateful after the interview for the time she spent with us. Thanks again Kai for the interview!
Article by Kostia.

Other students’ messages:

It was really cool to meet you, Kai, it was a pleasure!!! I learnt so much about you and your writing and authors in general! Thank you very much, Incredible experience!!

Bassma: The answers to our questions were clear and detailed, Kai sometimes gave us extra anecdotes that we hadn’t even thought of!

Dara: I really enjoyed this experience, I felt it was a great opportunity for our class to meet a real life writer. She answered our questions very clearly and used accessible language. She was very nice. Thank you Kai :)

Allan: Really interesting interview, learnt a lot from what Kai said, unforgettable experience, cannot wait for the next interview! Thank you Kai!

Lila: It was awesome to be able to meet an actual author and to be able to ask her questions I was always curious about. Kai was lovely and enthusiastically answered our questions!

Mathilde: It was such a pleasure meeting you. Your answers were very clear and developed and you really seemed passionate about your work! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us!

Zoé & San: Everyone should be able to have a similar experience once in their life! Thanks for your enthusiastic and wise answers, thanks for letting us enter your fantastic world!