12 décembre 2023

You did it! (Bordas) - Proposition de projets eTwinning : I love London.


Bonjour ! 

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose deux nouvelles propositions de projets eTwinning pour la seconde unité de You did it! (I love London).

Première proposition (également dans le livre du professeur de You did it!)

Be the perfect city guide!

Present your city to your eTwinning partners and learn about theirs.


1ère étape :

You have studied how to be the perfect London guide; now use everything you have learned to become the perfect guide to your city!

Revise what you learned, and prepare a short revision card for your foreign partners. And share it on eTwinning.

To record your voice, you can use Vocarroo.


Fiche RGPD


2ème étape :

Listen to your partners’ audio guides or videos and ask them questions. You can also comment on them.


3ème étape :

Answer your partners’ questions.

Read the comments on your audio file and answer your partners’ comments or questions.

Deuxième proposition

Discover London through other students’ eyes.

You are from different countries and you are going to present different aspects of life in London.


1ère étape :

Learn about London with your teacher. (textbook and workbook).


2ème étape :

In a group of four students, choose one monument, one place, and one activity you would like to present.


3ème étape :

Research this topic with the help and advice of your teacher.

Useful websites 





4ème étape :

Present your topic. You can make a poster, record your voice, or presentation slides.

To make a poster, you can use pens and paper or Canva for example.


Canva et le RGPD

To record your voice, you can use Vocarroo.


Fiche RGPD


5ème étape :

Listen to your partners’ audio files and comment on them.

Read the comments on your audio file and answer your partners’ comments or questions.

Troisième proposition 

Let’s imagine a new monument for London!

1ère étape :

In a group of 4 students, brainstorm ideas for a NEW, innovative, original, amazing monument.


2ème étape :

Draw and describe it. What will it be like? What will it be about? Will it honour someone?


3ème étape :

Present it to your classmates and vote for the funniest, most appealing, most amazing ones!


4ème étape :

Discuss your partners’ creations.

Have fun!

Feel free to share your ideas!:)

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Gabriel et Marie-Hélène.